Tag: Cats

  • Why Do Cats Like Fitting in Small Spaces?

    Let’s face it, the idea of squishing into a tiny cardboard box, or napping in a round glass bowl hardly sounds like an ideal place to snooze!  Concepts that typically cause humans to break out in a cold sweat seem to be appealing to these crazy creatures. Find out why claustrophobia doesn’t seem to be…

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  • smart cat

    The Brightest and Best: Top Ten Smartest Cat Breeds

    Many cat owners agree that their felines appear to hold many secrets behind those mysterious glowing eyes. The same seemingly omniscient demeanor that has baffled and captivated humans for thousands of years, often leaves us in awe of our cats. Whether they are sprawled on the rug, or perched from a high look-out, these lithe…

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  • dog taking a bath

    Pet Dandruff: Treatments and Remedies

    So your cat has the flakes, and your dog leaves a snowy trail behind him. This frustrating fur faux pas can be corrected with a few simple adjustments to lifestyle and grooming practices. Begin by correctly diagnosing the causes for dandruff in your pet, by visiting the vet to confirm what may be ailing your…

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  • Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease: Symptoms & Treatments

    The lengthy term “feline lower urinary tract disease” (FLUTD) describes all manner of ailments that involve the urinary tract. This manifests as bladder inflammation, bacterial cystitis, urolithiasis (urinary stones), bladder tumors, or life-threatening urethra obstruction. There are also several other terms for the disease, such as feline cystitis, or feline urologic syndrome (FUS), etc. Unfortunately…

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  • Unsinkable Sam

    Miraculous Feline Survival Stories

    It is no wonder that some people believe cats have 9 lives –they certainly have survived some impossible circumstances! Falling from great heights While we understand the physical ability of how a cat can land on his feet , the concept of surviving after tumbling off of a sky scraper is hard to believe. In…

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  • What To Do If Your Pet is Poisoned

    There is no reason to worry that a witch will show up at your doorstep and offer a poisoned apple to your unsuspecting kitty, but cats and dogs do ingest dangerous items from time to time. Blame it on curiosity (a classic cat-killer), or that your dog just had to lick the antifreeze that spilled…

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  • Pet Allergies: How to Reduce the Effects

    Are you waking up with swollen eyes, and suffering sneezing attacks for no apparent reason?  When the time for seasonal allergies has passed, and you certainly don’t have a common cold, sometimes the answer might be wagging its tail right in front of us.  According to the Humane Society of the United States, roughly 15%…

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  • Dealing with Pet Diabetes

    One of the unfortunate results of having high percentages of obese domestic pets in America, is that many of these animals develop diabetes. When the body does not produce enough insulin, the cells become glucose deficient and the blood glucose rises to an unhealthy level. Both cats and dogs can be diagnosed with this insulin…

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  • Jack Russel Terrier lying down with cone on head

    Pet Owner’s First Aid Kit

    Animals are prone to accidents and mistakes which often put them in harm’s way, resulting in scrapes, bruises, infections and sick tummies. Whether you are taking a vacation up to the mountains, or simply want to be ready for any disaster, many pet parents find peace of mind by having a pet-centric First Aid Kit…

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