Tag: Cats

  • Adoption: When it’s Time To Give Up Your Pet

    Nobody ever plans to give up their beloved cat or dog; but for some unfortunate pet owners, there comes a time when it is necessary to put the pet up for adoption. If you find yourself in a sticky situation and are not sure if it is the right decision to give up your animal,…

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  • Unwanted Gifts: Dealing With Your Cat’s Latest Kill

    Tired of waking up to severed body parts and the bloody mass of your cat’s most recent victim? Felines are known for their ferocious hunting skills, and they often like to produce the prize of their conquests by presenting their owners with the bodies of dead lizards, mice, bugs and birds. This often causes an…

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  • girl brushing dog's teeth

    Oral Hygiene Products for Pets

    We recently broke down the “How To” instructions of cleaning your pet’s teeth,  but now will take a look at what kinds of products will best care for your dog or cat’s oral hygiene in the cleaning process.  Dental disease is one of the most common ailments for both dogs and cats (nearly 85% of…

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  • cat covering eyes with paw

    How to Socialize Your Cat

    Animals that have not been properly socialized are unpleasant to be around. They can be aloof, fearful and even exhibit negative traits and bad habits if their behavior goes unchecked. When there has been a lack of human touch, cats become skittish, suspicious, and difficult to handle when taken to the vet or groomers. Entertaining…

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  • Ultrasonic Pet Training Devices

    Many pet owners employ high-frequency sound training tools as a method of correcting bad habits. Not only do ultrasonic sound help call or alert a dog, but they also can be used as an irritant and a warning. Pet owners have found it helpful to spray bitter taste deterrents on objects they don’t want their…

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  • Cat & Dog Idioms

    Have you ever noticed how many catch-phrases and colloquialisms refer to cats and dogs? There are many famous sayings like “he let the cat out of the bag” or “I feel as sick as a dog.” Often we do not even know where these phrases have come from, but one thing is for certain; animal…

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  • kitten being held by scruff

    How to Scruff a Cat

    Every cat breed has unique fur patterns and coat densities. There is the thick Persian’s fur coat, the wired hair of a Devon Rex, or the sleek hairless back of a Sphynx; however all felines have something in common: they carry extra skin around their necks. Cats have the unique habit of carrying their young…

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  • cat stuck in tree

    How To Save a Treed Cat

    Do cats really get stuck in trees, or is that just a silly wives’ tale? Many cat owners have found their felines caught in high branches with no ability to get down, and have called upon heroic firemen for help. The occurrence of this kind of situation happens so frequently, that entire support groups and…

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  • Eye Contact: What does it mean for dogs and cats?

    We humans generally feel a deep connection to our pets, in spite of our limited communication with them. Since we can’t verbally converse with our pets, or hear their thoughts; we rely on their sounds,  postures and expressions to ascertain what they wish to tell us with us.  One aspect of communication that has given…

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  • Feline Kidney Disease

    When cats are unable to eliminate urine and waste, they often struggle with internal toxic build-up which can result in kidney failure. This disease can be categorized by two distinctions: acute and chronic kidney failure. Acute kidney disease occurs suddenly, and is usually due to shock, trauma, infection or overexposure to toxins.  This often happens…

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