Tag: Cats

  • Aggressive Behavior in Domestic Cats

    Though dogs are regarded as more loyal and affectionate pets than cats, canines have a much higher degree of attacks and injuries compared with their feline counterparts. However, it does not follow that cats never attack their owners, or that they are less likely to show aggression.  Cats rarely attack humans unprovoked, though tragically it…

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  • Why Do Cats (almost) Always Land on Their Feet?

    Cats are mysterious creatures. Their eyes seem to stare into human souls, they can stalk silently in the night, and jump unimaginable heights. But one of the most baffling aspects of cat movement is how they manage to land on their feet after a fall. This is more than just a wives’ tale or a…

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  • Top 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds

    Surprise, surprise dog lovers, but America’s favorite domestic pet is not your lovable Labrador. Though dogs are universally referred to as “man’s best friend,” the preferred pet in the USA is actually a cat. In a survey conducted in 2012, the American Pet Products Association found there to be an estimated total of 83.3 million…

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  • Pet Dandruff Causes & Concerns

    Humans that have dandruff know that having a flurry of snowflakes coming from the scalp is a hardly an ideal legacy to level behind. Similarly, when your dog or cat not only sheds hair all over the furniture, but also leaves sprinkles of dandruff in his wake, it can be very unpleasant for the owner.…

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  • Why & When Do Cats Drool?

    When we think of pets drooling, most people associate hyper-salivation with canines. Dogs are known for their invasive wet kisses or slobber puddles; and anyone who lived through the ‘90’s will remember the phrase “Cats rule, dogs drool” from the film Homeward Bound. As it turns out, cats are not exempt from over-active salivary glands…

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  • Types of Plastic Surgery for Pets

    We know humans justify spending thousands of dollars to chase eternal youth, or correct features they dislike on themselves, but would they do the same for pets? Apparently nip and tucks have become popular surgeries to perform on pets in recent years.   While some of the plastic surgeries are done for the benefit of the…

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  • close up of cat's eyes

    A Look at Cat Vision

    Cat eyes are undoubtedly mysterious . They glow eerily in headlights, and are reputedly able to see in the dark. Cats are known for their stealthy hunting skills in the most unlikely of settings and conditions. However, while cats are indeed able to see things the human eye cannot detect, their eyes lack certain abilities…

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  • Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

    We’ve all heard the lonely meow of a cat calling out at night. It may not be the most pleasant noise, and can certainly be quite alarming to wake up to. Felines tend to be nocturnal creatures that are energetic and ready for adventure and exploration in the middle of the night. Though it is…

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  • closeup of cat's whiskers

    Cat Whiskers & Why Do Cats Have Them?

    One of the most iconic features on a feline is their whiskers. These vibrissae, tactile hairs, are much thicker than a cat’s regular fur-coat hairs, and are sensory touch receptors which play an essential role in a feline’s survival. Whiskers are part of the evolutionary adaptation which enabled certain animals to be able to hunt…

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  • dew claw

    Purpose of the Dew Claw

    Most people haven’t heard of the “dew” claw. Those that have may be familiar with the reference that it is “like a human thumb.”  The dew claw exists on both cats and dogs, and is considered one of the digits in the paw, though it is located higher up than the other claws.  Dogs have…

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