Tag: Cats

  • Bengal Cat

    Bengal Cats – Origin & Breeding

    These felines are a far cry from the American tabby cat. Bengals, whether they are golden or snow colored, look wild and fierce despite being loving pets  Their markings are distinct, with leopard-like rosettes, and often tend to have larger bodies than most domestic cats can boast. Having a Bengal roam around the house will…

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  • Pet Food Recall: J.J. Fuds Raw Frozen Pet Food (Updated)

    UPDATE: February 4th– J.J. Fuds Pet Food The following additional products have been recalled due to salmonella contamination: J. J. Fuds Premium Natural Blends Chicken Tender Chunks J. J. Fuds Premium Natural Blends Beef Tender Chunks J. J. Fuds Premium Natural Blends Duckling Tender Chunks Updated press release found here: U.S. Food and Drug Administration…

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  • Chatty Cats: What the Noises Mean

    Cat owners would agree that not all sounds are created equal. A kitty’s cheerful chirp communicates something completely different than a wailing “meow.” Similar to birds, cats are some of the most vocally advanced domestic pets, employing a wide variety of sounds to communicate how they feel, and indicating how they are likely to behave.…

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  • Poison List: Pet Poison Helpline Information

    Even the most meticulously tidy people may not be aware of the dangers that cats and dogs face in a human home.   While some hazards might be obvious, there are many items, products and even plants that pose a threat to canine and feline lives. It is better to be safe than sorry; review the…

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  • How To Clean Your Pet’s Teeth

    These are the facts: dental disease is one of the most common health concerns in felines. Similarly, an estimated 85% of dogs 5 years or older will suffer from periodontal or gingivitis (gum disease). Plaque build-up hardens into tartar which causes inflammation of the gums, swelling, and room for bacteria to grow. Since the mouth…

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  • Dog & Cat Bad Breath: Where does it come from?

    Bad breath is so common, that there is an official name for the stinkiness: halitosis. For many pet owners, whenever their furry pal comes over to lick their face, the owner ends up gasping for breath and moving the pet as far from their nostrils as possible. Unsurprisingly, bad breath is not just an annoy…

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  • Starch-Free VS Grain-Free Pet Food

    Packages and labels can be deceiving.  What looks like a healthy alternative to the mainstream carb-loaded kibbles, could actually be a product packed with fillers that are just as detrimental to your dog or cat. Because the pet food industry has a reputation for mixing ingredients of questionable quality and origin in their products, customers…

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  • Common Cat Ailments

    Beyond the appearance of a self-sufficiency, most cats face a variety of health struggles in their lives. This occurs by them getting into trouble either through exploring, mixing with a surly crowd, or picking up infections and unwanted parasites. Below is a sampling of the more common issues which assail felines. Obesity: All that lounging…

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  • How to Bathe Your Cat

    Let’s be honest, unless your cat is a descendant of an Asian leopard cat, or the web-footed fishing cat, he probably can’t stand bath time. Not every breed reacts the same way to water, and many Bengal cat owners have no problem coaxing their feline into the frothy bubbles, due to their water-loving ancestry. Most…

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  • Why Raw Food Can Be Beneficial for Your Pet

    One of the primary concerns for Raw Food products is that dogs and cats can suffer from  bacteria in raw meats, or from diseases caused by microbes. However it ought to be observed that animals in the wild generally have vigorous immune systems, resulting from the bacteria their bodies have been exposed to. Since all…

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