Tag: Cats

  • cartoonish drawing of a flea

    Dealing with Fleas

    Your pup is scratching again. And again, and again. It could be more than just an allergy to a new sweet-smelling shampoo you have been trying;  perhaps your dog has been infested by fleas. Cats and dogs that frequently come into contact with other animals, or spend plenty of time outdoors, can pick up bugs…

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  • catnip - Nepeta cataria

    Catnip: What’s the big deal?

    Anytime you are reading about caring for cats, training or playing with kittens, the word “Catnip” will often appear. For those unfamiliar with the botanical side of life, Catnip is not just a well-named product marketed for cats. It is not a cat treat, or irresistible cat food blend. Catnip is a natural plant in…

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  • How to Help Your Dog and Cat Get Along

    Nearly 50% of pet owners in the United States have multi-pet homes, the most common of which are dog and cat cohabitations. Dogs tend to be rambunctious, excitable, and curious about everything around them. If that environment includes a small fury creature who likes to stand out of reach or dart quickly by, the pup…

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  • Declawing Your Cat: Is it Unethical?

    Over the past few years, the practice of surgically removing a cat’s claws has become more widely regarded as an unethical choice. Declawing a cat is not the same as a human clipping their fingernails. Claws are part of the bones deeply imbedded into a cat’s paws, and the nerve endings surrounding the claws themselves…

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  • Feral Cats

    Not many people are familiar with the difference between a stray cat and a feral cat. Strays are felines that were once owned, but have been abandoned, lost, or have escaped from their homes.  Feral cats on the other hand, are erstwhile domesticated cats that have fully acclimated to surviving on their own, and have…

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  • Cats lying on a cat tree

    Cat Furniture and Trees

    Cats love to use their claws. Anyone that has ever had a feline friend knows that every carpeted area, towel, curtain, couch and recliner is an easy target for restless paws. Scratching, clawing and climbing is a natural instinct for cats, and is an important part of their exercise.  It stretches muscles in their legs,…

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  • kitten playing with yarn

    Taking Care of Kittens: Playtime & Safety

    Kittens are undeniably fragile creatures. They have tiny paws, delicate bones, and make sounds that resemble more of a squeak than a “meow.”   How do you bring something so frail into a large environment? What should you be wary of in the home, and how can you keep the kitten protected? How should adults and…

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  • Vaccinations for Cats

    Though cats and dogs differ greatly, both domestic pets require certain vaccinations to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.  While there are many kinds of vaccination options for your pet, some cats may need different shots than others depending on the area in which they live, and the different perils they may be subjected to.…

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  • Things You Should Never Feed Your Pet

    Anyone who owns a pup has heard the phrase “chocolate is poisonous for dogs.”  While it may never be a pet-owner’s inclination to give a dog something that could cause him harm,  they may unknowingly do so from time to time. Below is a list of foods that should NEVER be fed to a dog…

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  • How to Leave Your Pet Overnight

    Nobody looks forward to the first day they will have to leave their furry family members. After all the hours spent bonding with your kitten or puppy, the last thing you want to do is leave them on their own.  However, when the day comes, you will feel much better about departing if you know…

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