Tag: Cats

  • cat enjoying cuddling in old man's lap

    Why Do Cats Purr?

    The soothing purr of a cat is possibly one of the most calming sounds in the world, at least for those who enjoy feline companionship. This wonderfully enigmatic and auditory pacifier is shrouded in mystery as there is no definitive answer to the question, ‘Why do cats purr?’. There are, however, several plausible explanations. The…

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  • Cat & Kitten Hiccups

    Cat hiccups are not a regular occurrence, but it is completely normal for cats to get the hiccups; however, cat hiccups don’t sound anything like human ones. At the same time if hiccups seem to be chronic or in bursts, then they may be signaling a bigger issue. How to Recognize a Cat Hiccup As…

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  • Why Are Cats Afraid of Cucumbers?

    Videos of cats reacting to cucumbers have been cropping up around the internet, and even though initially their reaction to the sudden appearance of cucumbers may be funny, some experts suggest that the prank may be doing harm to the cats. If you are not familiar with the videos mentioned above, here is an example…

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  • Why Do Cats Flick Their Tails?

    Animal body language, especially that of a cat can tell us a lot about what they are thinking, how they are feeling, or what they are about to do. So it is important to pay attention to our pets in order to get to know them. Tail flicking is one such behavior that is most…

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  • old scottish fold cat

    Why Do Cats Isolate Themselves?

    Cats exhibit a variety of behaviors, most of which can seem weird to (first-time) owners, and it is important to be attuned to this behavior so that the meanings behind the behavior doesn’t go unnoticed. A lot of such behavior can be relegated to the category of the cat’s eccentricity, but there are some behaviors…

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  • Why Do Cats Trill?

    Cats always seem to have something new with which to surprise humans, and first-time owners may be surprised by some of the noises cats make, including trilling. Trilling is a cross between a meow, and a purr. If you are unsure about what kind of sound a trill is, then check the video at the…

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  • How to Stop a Kitten from Biting?

    Cats are hunters, and as such, they will stalk, and attempt to capture prey, but before they can graduate to that level of activity, they hone their skills by playing and exploring while they are just little kittens. The instinctive prey drive is very strong in cats, and, of course, kittens, and just because today’s…

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  • cat being given a bath

    Why Do Cats Dislike Water?

    There are many theories about why cats dislike water, but there is no definitive answer to the question. The theories are based on reasonable assumptions; however, there is no conclusive answer. So what are some of the explanations for the aversion cats show towards water? Genetics & Instinct: The ancestors of the domesticated cat lived…

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  • kitten sitting in litter box

    How to Stop a Kitten from Eating Cat Litter?

    If you have encountered a situation where your kitten has taken to eating the cat litter, there are several reasons why this might be happening. Kittens (and cats) are naturally curious and inquisitive, and will go in search of new sights, sounds, scents, and experiences. They will also eat a variety of things to find…

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  • bird's eye view of two cats eating from food bowl

    How Often Should You Feed Your Cat?

    Like many other questions, when it comes to pet care, the answer will vary due to a variety of factors. Some breeds, for example, do best when eating several small meals, while others may do best with a single meal. So let’s review the different factors that should be taken into consideration when feeding your…

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