Tag: Cats

  • Cat Behavior Expert: What Do Cats Think of Us?

    When it comes to emotion, cats seem harder to read than dogs. Because of this, we humans have a tough time trying to ascertain what our pet felines actually think about us, since they can be so aloof and mysterious. Cat behavior expert John Bradshaw (University of Bristol) revealed many of his findings about how…

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  • 5 Ways to Alleviate Your Cat’s Allergies

    Most of the time whenever we hear the word “allergies” and “cat” in the same sentence, we assume the person is talking about having an allergy to cats. We seldom think about our own feline pets experiencing an allergic reaction to something, and even when they sneeze repeatedly and get a runny nose, the go-to…

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  • Patriotic Pet Cats

    Some pet owners take holidays a bit too far. They dress their pets in costume, dye their fur celebratory colors, and choose odd ways to enjoy the holiday with their pets. Nevertheless, whether it is Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day or Christmas Eve, it is always fun to include your cat or dog in the…

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  • werewolf cat

    The Werewolf Cat

    Yes you read that title correctly, there is such a thing as a “werewolf cat” breed. In past blogs we have explored the way cats have been worshiped by many cultures historically, as well as feared as demonic beings by superstitious civilizations. This particular cat breed makes the logical leap from gentle domestic pet, to…

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  • Cats Sleep in Strange Positions

    Not only do cats like to fit in tiny spaces, and perch on the highest of heights, they also have an affinity for sleeping in odd positions. We know that felines have more flexible spines than humans do, but it is hard to imagine some of the twisted, cramped stances they choose to be even…

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  • cat in woman's lap

    How to Give Your Cat a Physical Exam at Home

    When it comes to assessing a pet’s overall physical health, we will always recommend seeing a professional. Veterinarians have years of experience diagnosing disease, identifying symptoms, lifestyle concerns, and other elements of pet care which generally might escape our notice. However, during the months in between checkups, there may be heath concerns that arise which…

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  • dog relaxing on massage table

    Alternative Veterinary Care Treatments

    When taking your cat or dog to the vet, one expects that they will do a physical examination of the animal, run some basic tests,  and discuss lifestyle details with the pet owner to understand where improvements to the pet’s health might need to be made. The treatments offered are usually in line with the…

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  • Vintage styled photo of Don Sphinx cat reading the book

    Cats May Possess a Primitive Understanding of Physics

    Research from Saho Takagi, and her colleagues at Kyoto University in Japan suggests that cats may have very rudimentary understanding of principles of physics. Further, the research suggests that in an innate way, cats may even have a primitive understanding of gravity. This finding does not jeopardize Newton’s and Einstein’s place in the world of…

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  • elderly man sitting on park bench with dog and cat

    Best Companion Pets For the Elderly

    Whether your preference is for a cat, a dog, a bird, or a furry little rodent, it has been proven that owning a pet just seems to make life better. When people approach the final seasons of life, it is pleasant to have an animal companion to spend the days and long evenings with.  Not…

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  • koi fish painting

    Cats Fascinated by Koi Ponds

    Felines love fish. Well, they love to eat fish, paw at fish, and watch fish. Naturally when fish are swimming just inches below the surface of a very accessible pond, it is no surprise that one might spot a cat staring into the waters below. Some kitties are held completely captive by the enchantingly large…

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