Tag: Cats

  • cat lying down on couch cushion

    How to Get Rid of Cat Smell

    Cats are lovable, cute, quirky, funny, and just adorable, but they do bring that cat smell into the home, whether you want it or not. We love our funny felines, but it is also to keep the house smelling fresh—and we don’t mean by dousing the entire house with air fresheners. There are several areas…

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  • Feeding Cats Oral Medication

    (If only it were this easy!) Most cats initially struggle with going to the groomer, being handled by strangers, or experiencing physical examinations at the vet. Being touched, lifted, prodded and preened can be a huge challenge for many felines, particularly if they did not grow up accustomed to that kind of treatment. Because of…

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  • cat drinking water from a glass

    How To Get Your Cat To Drink More Water

    Dehydration is a common problem with felines.  Many cats eat dry kibbles and drink limited amounts of water, possibly because they expel less energy than dogs who generally venture out in the sunshine for their daily walk. This might not seem like a grave concern to some, who might just assume that if a cat…

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  • cat lying down

    Signs of Renal Disease in Cats

    Felines are susceptible to suffering from kidney disease, or renal disease. They either contract acute renal disease (which usually has a single cause, and develops over a short period of time) or chronic renal disease (which is a gradual process usually occurring in elderly cats, due to slow kidney failure).  Whatever the case, renal disease…

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  • woman diving with dog

    Summertime Bucket List for Pet Owners

    The weather may still be cool and crispy, depending on where you live, but summertime is just around the corner. While some people might be planning their upcoming vacations abroad, others are brainstorming about fun short-term holidays, or daily outings and small road trips to take with their friends.  But how many people make a…

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  • Dogs VS Cats: Who Loves Their Humans More?

    Most people are of the opinion that cats are more reserved and dogs more expressive in their affections. While canine companionship certain does seem to involve more slobbery puppy kisses than what cats are willing to give, make no mistake, felines are a devoted and loving species. Here is a fair face off about which…

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  • Why Cats Love to Scratch

    If there is one behavior that consistently exists in cats, it is the love of scratching. Whether they are brand new kittens testing out their strength, adult cats staying fit and agile, or senior cats stretching sore backs after hours of napping, all felines love to scratch.  This is not an arbitrary habit, but one…

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  • cat climbing up a wooden pole

    Cats That Love to Scratch and Climb

    There is no doubt, cats are enthusiastic climbers and scratchers. Whether it is their carpeted furniture, the side of the couch, your curtains, or that imported rug from India; these animals are all about using their paws and claws. There are many reasons why cats enjoy and need to scratch; here are some visual aids…

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  • cat being examined by vet

    Feline Foul Play : The Most Common Cat Injuries

    Felines in general are subdued creatures.  They don’t walk, they tread. They don’t lollop, they glide; all their motions express serene agility and grace. It is hard to imagine that cats would have anywhere near the same likelihood for injuries as their lumbering and enthusiastic canine counterparts.  While dogs might take the lead when it…

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  • What To Do When Your Pet Stops Breathing or Heart Stops Beating

    During the majority of our years of pet-parenting, few of us really consider the “worst case” scenarios.  Yes, some pets are brilliant escape artists that take us on a cycle of running away and being brought home again. That is a decently normal experience.  But how often do we consider that our dog might get…

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