Tag: Dogs

  • Twin Dogs – How Well Do You Know These Breeds?

    Some dog breeds so similarly resemble another that they are nearly indistinguishable to the untrained eye. However closely related the pups might seem, there are things you can learn to recognize to determine which is which. Here is a quick at-a-glance chart summarizing the major differences between these twin-like dogs. Similar-looking Dog Breeds 1. Vizsla…

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  • How to Stop a Dog From Jumping Up

    Of all the frustrating little canine quirks that exist, jumping up seems to be one of the most common complaints of dog owners. Nothing muddies up nice pants like puppy paws planting down on a human’s legs. When barking, running and tail-wagging don’t seem to get our attention, trying to get as close to our…

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  • dog paws and food bowl

    What To Look For In Pet Food

    Most people don’t put enough thought into the nutrition they provide their pet. Usually, it is a “one size fits all” mentality, where the consumer will simply try to find a product that is inexpensive, or seems delicious to their pet, and then continue to use the same food for all their animals, their whole…

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  • dog waiting on train platform

    Travel Safety Tips for Dogs

    Riding in the car with your dog is a necessary occurrence at some point for all dog owners. Visiting the vet, driving to the beach, or dropping the pup at a training course all involve some kind of travel. Whether you are planning to travel via plane, train or automobile, going anywhere with a pet…

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  • mutt sitting in doorway

    For The Love of a Mutt

    Some people find one breed of dog they like, and they become devoted for life. In all their family pictures, there is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for each season of life. Other people insist that pedigree dogs come from solid blood lines with proven personality traits and predictable behaviors.   While the comparison between mutts…

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  • Staffordshire Terrier

    Best Guard Dogs

    People own pets for a multitude of different reasons. Some individuals want companionship, others want humor and entertainment, while some like having dogs around to protect them and their loved ones. The best thing about the canine species is the variety of dog breeds that exist for different purposes. While someone would never choose a…

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  • Canine Liver Disease: Prevention and Treatments

    Because of the dangers a damaged liver present to the health of your dog, it would be best to be educated about how to prevent the disease from forming. Learn about the causes and symptoms of canine liver disease, then review the below treatments and preventative measures that can be taken to safeguard against liver…

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  • Canine Liver Disease: Causes and Symptoms

    Liver disease or hepatobilary disease is listed among the top five most common causes of canine deaths. The liver functions in a variety of important ways that greatly influence a creature’s overall physical health, which is why liver failure or infection often becomes fatal.  The liver houses minerals and vitamins, metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and…

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  • What To Do If Your Dog Bites You

    It is easy for dog owners to regard their beloved dog as a valued member of the family. Because of this, it can be disconcerting when a dog acts out, or displays uncharacteristically aggressive behaviors. When a pet dog bites someone, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that it means you must get rid of…

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  • Best Awkward Dog Photos

    Lately, “awkward” is the new cool. Being suave, calm and collected all have their places in relational dynamics. But generally life is much more entertaining when things happen by accident, or when funny situations occur, particularly where pets are involved. A minor juxtaposition of dog sizes, surprising facial expressions, a pet that overshot that jump,…

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