Tag: Dogs

  • veterinarian during surgery

    Preparing Your Pet for Surgery

    Like their humans, pets undergoing surgery need to be properly prepared for the process in order to make the surgery go as smoothly as possible. There are general things that owners need to do and keep in mind when getting their pet ready for surgery; however, each case and pet is different and you should…

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  • german shepherd in dog house

    Picking the Right Dog House

    Many dogs spend most of their time indoors with their human(s); however, if a dog is being kept outdoor, or spends a significant amount of time there, he should have a suitable dog house for protection from the elements, and privacy. When faced with the decision of picking a dog house, there are many considerations…

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  • Homemade Dog Food & Treats

    Since dogs are considered by most to be members of the family, it only makes sense to take care of them like any other (human) family member, by providing them a home-cooked meal that is not only prepared with love and care, but also fulfills all the nutritional requirements of the canine family member. In…

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  • Dog Tear Stains: Tear Removers & Home Remedies

    If you are unfamiliar with tear stains in dogs, they are dark color stains which appear right below the eyes, on the snout of dogs. The tear stains are caused by (surprise!) the dog’s tears, which may or may not be caused by health issues. Some dog breeds have shallow eyelids, which results in the…

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  • Canine Teeth: All About Dog Teeth

    Even though modern-day pet dogs have been transformed into omnivores due to the introduction significant number of plant-based ingredients into dog food, they have retained their carnivore’s teeth. Canine teeth, like that of humans, come in a variety of shapes and sizes each of which are meant to accomplish specific tasks. As with humans, dogs…

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  • When Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?

    Spaying or neutering allows for reproductive control of dogs in order to keep the population from spiking with the eventual need to use euthanizing to control the population. Aside from population control, spaying and neutering has other benefits, including, reduction in aggression and level of energy, and elimination of vaginal bleeding for females. On the…

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  • How to Choose a Veterinarian

    Choosing a veterinarian can have a big impact on your dog’s short- and long-term health, and consequently happiness and quality of life. So it is important to take time to find the right veterinarian for your, and your pet. It is important that your animal doctor not just be great with animals, but also have…

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  • Aggression Triggers in Dogs

    Every animal, including humans, can become aggressive when they are put in certain situations, and dogs are no different. If a dog feels annoyed, upset, or scared, it can get aggressive as a means of protecting itself, its territory, or its family (e.g. her puppies or human family members). As natural as justified aggressive behavior…

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  • petting golden retriever puppy on leash

    How to Pet a Dog

    It may seem like a silly question to ask, but petting a dog properly is more than just stroking its back, and scratching under its chin. There is a proper way to approaching a dog, and petting it; doing so indiscriminately, and without forethought can lead to dog bites or attacks. Dogs are territorial animals,…

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  • Grain Free Dog Food: Is It a Healthy Alternative to Traditional Dog Food?

    Keeping your dog healthy can be a challenge, and part of this challenge is providing him the best nutritional intake possible. Picking the proper dog food that is appropriate for your specific dog (breed) can be a tough task, and one question that often comes up is whether a grain free diet is healthier than…

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