Tag: Dogs

  • Hungry dog eating food from bowl

    Dog & Puppy Hiccups

    If you are new to dog ownership, you may be surprised to learn that dogs, like humans, will get bouts of hiccups, and even though the hiccups may not sound exactly like what you are used to, you can still recognize it as one. Hiccups in dogs are caused by a variety of factors, none…

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  • woman is cutting nails of dog dachshund

    How to Stop a Dog’s Nail from Bleeding?

    Grooming your dog can be a challenge, especially if your dog has not been properly acclimated to being given a bath, but the most stressful part of grooming your dog (both for you and her) is when it is time to trim her nails. It is a stressful time because it gives your dog a…

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  • What Is Knuckling & How to Stop Your Dog from Doing It?

    If you are not familiar with knuckling or just don’t know the term, it describes when a dog drags the top of his paw on the ground as it walks. There are numerous reasons why a dog may start paw knuckling, including a temporary habit that he will outgrow, illness, or a medical condition that…

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  • How to Stop Dogs from Shedding

    Shedding pet hair is a universally disliked nuisance. The pet hair can get everywhere, and it can be notoriously difficult to clean. Almost all dogs (and cats) sheds, and although some have longer and thicker coats, shedding is not exclusive to them—they just shed more, and the shedding from these breeds is more noticeable. Shedding…

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  • How to Stop a Dog from Chasing Cars?

    A dog that like to chase cars can be a hazard to itself and others on the road. In many dogs, chasing and/or herding is a natural inclination, and a moving car presents the perfect target for them to exercise the instincts for which they were bred. Some dogs have such a high desire to…

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  • How to Stop a Dog from Eating Rocks

    Dogs, especially puppies, display seemingly odd behavior; however, with a bit of background information and the odd behavior becomes less so. One such unusual activity is the tendency of some puppies or adult dogs to gnaw on or eat rocks. Unlike some other unusual behavior, eating rocks can be a serious health risk, so it…

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  • french bulldog puppy licking cat's ear

    How to Stop Your Dog from Chasing Cats?

    Chasing cats can be a problem, especially if it is your own cat that is being chased by your pooch. Whether your dog chases your household cat(s) or the ones around the neighborhood when on walks, it is a behavior that needs to be addressed, as it can be problematic—it could injure your cat (or…

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  • couple hiking with dog during autumn

    Hiking with Your Dog

    When hiking with your dog there are some things you should keep in mind and eventualities for which you need to prepare. A hike with your dog can be a highly rewarding, and fun experience for both you and her; however, if you go in unprepared, the results could be at best unpleasant. So, how…

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  • How to Get Dogs to Stop Digging

    If you have a dog, there is a good chance that at some point or another you have had one or more holes in your yard, courtesy of your canine companion. Digging is not unusual behavior, but it can be indicative of an issue. Your dog may be digging because he is trying to burry…

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  • dog with food bowl in mouth waiting for food

    How Often Should You Feed Your Dog?

    Getting used to a dog’s eating habits can be difficult for new owners. Unlike people, dogs don’t’ have a complicated eating regiment, and this difference between humans and dogs can cause new dog owners to overfeed their pet which can results in a variety of complications, the most obvious of which would be excessive weight…

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