Adoption Considerations: What Kind of Cat Is Best For You?

When you are about to purchase a new pet, there are an abundance of questions to consider in advance. Before walking into the pet shelter or rescue home, you must be clear about what kind of cat you want to get, so that you are not swayed by emotion when you get there. It would be far better to identify your exact expectations and hopes of what you’d like in a pet, so that you don’t regret the choice later on.  Here are some of the primary considerations when planning what kind of feline friend you should adopt:

Considerations About Which Kind of Cat Is Best for You 

  • Do you prefer a kitten, adult or senior cat? Bear in mind that though kittens are adorable, they are also small and fragile, and can easily get stuck or hurt. Adopting an adult cat means you run the risk of bringing in an abused cat into your home, since most shelters do not know the living history/trauma their rescue animals have gone through. An adult cat has had more time to live through challenges, and adopting an adult cat may mean that you will find bizarre behaviors, stress, and anxiety that have arisen from past abuses.  These may be difficult and time-consuming to work through, making it a challenge to build trust with your cat.  Senior cats pose their own drawbacks, since they are more likely to develop diseases such as kidney failure, etc.  However, senior cats usually are low maintenance pets; and adopting one is a merciful thing to do!
  • Are you up for a long-haired, shorthaired or hairless cat? Long-haired cats require frequent brushing, while shorthair breeds tend to need less diligent grooming. Hairless breeds (such as the Sphynx) have a large following since they can be such loyal and devoted pets, yet their coats need to be washed regularly, and they often require clothes/sweaters/wraps as they get cold easily. Decide how much effort and money you are willing to put into caring for your cat’s coat.
  • Does your lifestyle match a more active and exuberant cat, or would you be more comfortable with an easy-going lap cat? Some people prefer lounging cats than are content to meander or nap all day beside them, while others prefer a more vivacious companion who will engage with them at every turn. Whether you are looking for a stealthy Abyssinian or a lazy Ragdoll, make sure you decide what you expect so you don’t purchase a cat with an opposite lifestyle to you!
  • Is your ideal cat aloof and quiet or will he keep you company and make endearing noises and chatter all day? Siamese cats are known for being “talkers” while Birman cats tend to seldom say a word. In a house of numerous people and a dog or two, a tongue-tied feline might be just for you, while those who live alone might not mind the croaks, mews and chatters of a happy kitty.
  • Would you prefer a purebred cat, and exotic cat or a mixed breed? There are numerous creative cat breeds and hybrids of wild cats. From beauty-marked Bengals to tiny-eared Scottish fold kitties, to tamed feral cats.  Cats are as diverse a domestic pet as you will find, so be certain that you know what you are looking for, and you understand the training and living space your specific type of cat will require.