Dog Park Etiquette

alaskan husky chasing yorkshire terrier

Dog parks are a wonderful place for both dogs and their owners. Dogs get to run around, and play with their kind, sniff each other’s hind quarters, and let out some energy. It’s all fun and games until someone does something inconsiderate and ruins it for everyone. Here is how you can avoid being that person.

Pick Up After Your Dog!

This really shouldn’t have to be an entry in this article, but, sadly, it is. Some people don’t pick up after their dogs, whether on a walk, the park, when out shopping, or at the dog park. This is the most basic step towards having proper sanitation, anywhere. Aside from the fact that they stink and can be stepped into, dog feces can carry parasites and diseases which can result in contraction by other dogs. So, let’s not give in to laziness, and carry around some poop bags and scoop up those droppings.

Wait Until Your Puppy is of Appropriate Age

It may be tempting to take your new puppy to the dog park to meet new friends, but it is important to refrain from going to the dog park until your puppy is at least four months old. The younger the puppy the more vulnerable she’ll be to diseases and parasites.

A Pregnant or in-Heat Dog is Best Kept Away

This should be a no-brainer, but it happens! If you have a pregnant dog or one that is in heat, do not bring her to the dog park. A dog in heat in the middle of a dog park full of ready and willing male dogs is just a recipe for disaster.

Keep Your Small Dog in His Designated Area

No matter how tough you think your Chihuahua is, it is important to stick to the rules and keep your small dog in the small dogs’ area, and away from the big dogs. Small dogs tend to be squeaky, and have quick and jumpy movement, and can easily trigger the prey drive in larger dogs. So play it safe and stick to the area of the dog park that has been designated for smaller breeds.

Bring Your Dog Only If She is Well Behaved & Trained

It is important to have a well behaved dog at the dog park, but it is even more important to have one that is able to react to recalls during any kind of activity. You should be able to recall your dog even if she is in the middle of chasing her friends around. There may be a situation where dogs are getting overexcited and being able to recall your dog to let the situation calm down can be a very good thing—it can keep things form escalating, and potentially turning into an ugly situation with fights and bites.

Keep Your Attention on Your Dog

It may be tempting to start chatting with other dog owners, or pull out your smartphone to catch up on some emails, but it is critical that you keep a constant watch on your dog. This will help you to pick up on any tension that may be building up between dogs, and recall your dog before things get out of hand.