How to Find a Good Pet-Sitter

Some people feel completely at ease trusting the responsible 12-year-old next door with their pets when they go on vacation. But others prefer to find the most highly qualified care giver in the region whenever they have to be away from their dog or cat. Wherever you fall in this spectrum, here are a few tips on how to find the right pet sitter to suit your pet’s needs. Use the below suggestions to discover how you can find the most qualified pet sitter

  • Care giver websites: Numerous websites provide online searching services for pet-owners to review detailed profiles with references, comments and feedback ratings from satisfied or dissatisfied customers. These sites will allow you to peruse lists of prospective pet-sitters who might have the exact experience you are looking for. Such sites are,,,,, etc.
  • Local shelter recommendations: Some people are skeptical of online reviews, and would rather get a recommendation from a shelter, rescue home, or dog trainer who could connect them with a reliable person. Motivated pet-sitters will often reach out to shelters in the area with their information and references for prospective clients, and this can be a great way to find the right match for you and your pet.
  • Breeders: Every dog and cat breed has unique behavior tendencies or specific needs. Trustworthy breeders may be able to suggest tried-and-true pet-sitters in your region who are accustomed to working with a certain kind of dog or cat, and will be conscious of how to take particular care of them.
  • Personal References: When in doubt, ask friends and family about their go-to pet-sitter. They might steer your away from disaster and save you from the same mistakes they made!
  • Other options: If having a pet-sitter in your house does not seem to be the best option, there are always boarding houses, pet hotels, recreation centers, and daycare services.

Note: Be wary of simply hiring a friend or colleague to pet-sit for you. Not everyone takes this responsibility seriously, or may understand the importance of devoting the time and care your cat or dog deserves. Your after-work cocktail buddy might seem excited to play with and feed your dog, but he will not be as informed, experienced or prepared as a professional licensed and insured pet-sitter might be. Find out what qualifies someone as an ideal pet-sitter. Additionally, be sure to meet with the prospective pet-sitter in person before hiring them!