How to Find Good Homes for Your Pet’s Litter

Your cat or dog recently gave birth, and though you are in love with each of the fur-babies you know you can’t keep them all. Instead of wanting to get all the right paperwork, and sell the puppies or kittens for a high price, you are more concerned about finding them good homes as soon as possible. Before you start handing out fliers, or putting up ads on Craigslist, review some of these tips on how to place them in safe homes.

Do’s and Don’ts of Findings Pets a Good Home

DON’T post a “Free to a Good Home” ad. For many reasons, this can be dangerous. Even though you might just want to expedite the process of giving the pets away, remember that a lack of price also implies a lack of responsibility. Usually only those who do not want any imposition or responsibility will be drawn to such an ad. The kitties or puppies could fall into the hands of a dangerous or irresponsible person.

DO correctly advertise. Print out fliers and post classified ads online, entitled “Kittens (or Dogs) For Sale.” Include pictures, the breed or mix combination, physical descriptions, gender, and the asking price. You can also put a small note at the bottom saying that you will be asking questions to find your pets safe living situations. (This will hopefully weed out anyone who would want to avoid prying.)

DO talk to family, friends and networks. One of the best first steps to finding a person you can trust to raise the pets, is to reach out to people you actually know. Your mom’s neighbor might be looking for a puppy, your co-worker, yoga instructor, or child’s teacher might be searching for a kitten to adopt. Create a short “news blast” you can text your community, or post online, and see what kind of a response you get!

DON’T be afraid to ask questions. When the calls start rolling in, set meetings with people in public places. If you do not know the caller, offer to bring the kitten or puppy to a public park during the daytime. Find out about their residence, their past animal-owning experience, why they want this dog, etc. Learn more critical questions to ask prospective pet owners.

DO listen to your gut feeling. If for some reason, you are getting a bad vibe from a prospective pet owner, pay attention to it. Someone might be ready to purchase the dog or cat, cash-in-hand, but it doesn’t mean that have the best intentions. Do not sell your pet to just anyone, and trust your instincts.

DO be willing to discuss the price. If there is someone your heart goes out to, or you sense truly wants the dog but can’t afford it, be willing to negotiate. Talk with them about the financial responsibilities of owning an animal, and help them understand what pet care truly will cost. If it is, for example, a single mom and her 8 year old son who can only offer ½ of your asking price, be willing to work with someone who proves a reliable candidate.

DON’T rush the process. You might be getting antsy that the pets are getting too old, or that not as many people are calling as you’d hoped, but this is no reason to compromise your goals. Keep your standards; don’t give away the pets for nothing, don’t give up, and don’t ever abandon the animals! If you are unsuccessful in finding the cats or dogs a new home, there are rescue homes and shelters that would rather care for your pets than see them alone or neglected.