How to Stop a Dog from Eating Rocks

Dogs, especially puppies, display seemingly odd behavior; however, with a bit of background information and the odd behavior becomes less so. One such unusual activity is the tendency of some puppies or adult dogs to gnaw on or eat rocks. Unlike some other unusual behavior, eating rocks can be a serious health risk, so it important to take action to curb and eliminate the behavior if you notice it in your dog.

Why Do Some Dogs Eat Rocks?

Other the puppyhood curiosity, the most common reason for dogs to eat rocks is boredom, anxiety, or stress. If you have a happy puppy who is chewing on rocks or eating them outright, then it is most likely a case of curiosity, as the puppy explores the world around him. Even if this behavior stems from basic curiosity, prevention is important as eating rocks can lead to life-threatening health problems.

If you feel that your dog may be suffering from anxiety, or stress, then it may be a good idea to seek a professional opinion as to how to handle this issue. If the stressor that is causing the emotional problem isn’t identified and eliminated, then problems could escalate.

Another reason why dogs may chew on or eat rocks is the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in their diet, which could lead them to try to address the deficiencies through trying non-food items. This condition is called ‘pica’, and is something that would require a veterinarian’s expert attention.

What Can Happen If a Dog Eats Rocks?

As you may imagine, eating rocks cannot be good for an animal’s health. Whatever the reason for eating rocks, a dog can face life-threatening problems if he eats rocks. Larger breeds may be able to pass small rocks and pebbles; however, if the behavior continues, eventually one such rock will get stuck in the dog’s intestinal tract, and obstruct the flow of food, which may require surgery in order to prevent a fatality.

At the most basic level, a dog could hurt the interior of his mouth, or break a tooth, so if you notice this behavior in your dog, keep a close eye on him while he has access to rocks in order to be able to mitigate the problem.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Eating Rocks?

There are a variety of things you can try to prevent your pup from eating rocks. Depending on how your dog responds to these preventive measures, you may need to several of these options in order to put an end to rock eating.

  • Just putting a leash on your dog can be a great way to keep him from eating rocks, by keeping him near you and keep an eye on him so that you can intervene when he tries to eat rocks or other non-food items.
  • Aside from a leash, you can supervise your dog when he is in a place where he has access to rocks, such as your back yard. Keeping a close eye on him is the best and least intrusive way to keep him from eating rocks (or doing anything else that is undesirable).
  • If possible, clear your back yard from any rocks and other non-food items so that your dog doesn’t have the chance to engage in the unwanted behavior.
  • If you determine that your dog is eating rocks out of boredom, then it is imperative that you provide other activities for him, and make sure that he has access to interesting toys with which he can play.
  • If your dog does pick up a rock, take the rock away immediately, and give him one of his toys instead.
  • In severe cases, you may need to opt for a basket muzzle until you have a bit of control on the problem. The basket muzzle will make it impossible for your dog to eat rocks or anything else for that matter. Of course, it is important to not leave your alone while muzzled. With the muzzle it may require some time for you to get your dog used to it, as it may initially feel uncomfortable and unfamiliar.
  • Another option similar to the muzzle is the use of the Elizabethan collars (like the ones used by veterinarians to keep dogs from picking at wounds or stiches).

Of course, don’t forget to lavish your dog with praise whenever they play with their own toys as opposed to picking up and gnawing on a rock.