Pet Pheromone Products

We have discussed the different kinds of pheromones, (both synthetic and herbal) and how they can effectively calm cats and dogs down. Many pet parents consider using pheromone treatments to address their dog or cat’s negative behaviors and nervous tendencies, or to simply make traveling with their pet a less stressful process. However, it can be difficult to determine which products to use. Below is a list of reliable options that incorporate either herbal pheromone properties, or the same synthetic cocktails applied in popular products such as Feliway and Adaptil. Review the list below to discover which options might be the best pheromone treatment for your pet.

Pheromone Products

  • Pheromone Sprays: These bottles spray soothing synthetic pheromones that relax cats and dogs. Some products also sound a hissing noise when they spray, which will interrupt bad behavior while emitting the powerful pheromones.
  • Pheromone Post: This item is often advertised as a “Pee Post” or a bright stick that you can push into a corner of the lawn where you’d prefer your pet to eliminate. The pheromones on the stick trigger a response to “mark the territory,” which will protect your lawn from sporadic pee-patches or wilted flower beds, and will direct your puppy or kitty right where you want him.
  • Calming Pheromone Diffusers: These plug-in devices connect to any outlet in the home. There they release the pheromones for up to 30 days, extending over 200 square feet from the outlet. The gentle excretion uses canine appeasing pheromones, lavender, and chamomile to ease dogs who struggle with anxiety and stress.
  • Pet Pheromone Collars: When pets have a difficult time coping with the stresses of loud noises like the lawn mower, thunderstorms, or your teenager’s garage band practice, sometimes the help of a canine appeasing pheromone collar can work wonders. Clasping the collar around the pet’s neck several minutes before the raucous begins, will help soothe your dog into a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Pheromone Wipes: These are perfect compact-size products that slip nicely into purse pockets. Whether you are about to travel with your pet or walking in a hectic and crowded area, by wiping a pet’s face with the damp and appeasing pheromones, a pet’s tension can be soothed away.