Questions to Ask Pet Insurance Companies

If you have decided that the positive aspects of having pet insurance outweighs the cost or inconvenience, the next step is to consider what kind of coverage is important to you. What plan would be best for the pets in your household? Here are some key questions to keep in mind while you research insurance options, or while you talk to support representatives.   Having your questions lined up will help you get the best package possible for your needs

  • What does the insurance package cover? Aside from the basic medical care, do they also offer add-ons like travel insurance, dental insurance, etc.? What are the coverage options for parasitic diseases or cancer? Find out what the limitations of the network, and what specific kinds of surgeries, medications and treatments are covered in the plan you are considering. What will this package cover for medical emergencies or in-patient care? Find out if you choose your own veterinarian.
  • What breeds do they cover? Some insurance places consider certain breed to be high-risk animals, and either won’t offer coverage, or will require a higher payment to accommodate them. While this might seem shocking to some, remember that there are countries that have severe restrictions on certain dog breeds that are known for frequent attacks or for dangerous behaviors. It would then be understandable to expect a higher payment plan for dog breeds that may be unpredictable. Find out if the company also has limitations on the age of the pets they cover.
  • What is their policy on pre-existing conditions? Find out if there is a cost increase for dogs that are at-risk animals (i.e., those who are seizure prone, who have epilepsy, etc.) Ask specifically how they define a “pre-existing condition.” How do they address covering congenital diseases or hereditary conditions?
  • Does the monthly fee cover all co-pays or co-insurance payments? Find out if there is a deductible that you would be responsible (similar to human health care plans). Ask about enrollment fees, monthly charges, renewal fees, or any other payments you will need to be responsible for. (NOTE: Be sure to do some digging here, keeping record of what was said, and the date you were given the information. It is always best to have a firm account of what was communicated should you need it in the future.)
  • How does the pet insurance coverage work? Aside from the monthly payments, find out how the company goes about covering costs? Most packages do reimbursements when their members send in receipts or invoices after paying the bill out of pocket. Find out what the timeline for reimbursements might be, and how long you can expect payment processing to take. (Note: If paying upfront is a concern, ask if there are payment partnership programs or alternative options offered by the company to help lift the burden.)
  • How does the insurance purchasing work? Are you contractually committed to the plan for a certain amount of months/years or is it a flexible, month-to-month offer? Do they provide multiple-pet discounts, or customer loyalty incentives?
  • What makes this insurance company credible, and why is this package the best offer? Find out what the greatest selling points are for the coverage you are considering. Obviously this is a competitive market, so it would be in your best interest to find out why this particular insurance package is the right one for you. Ask about the company’s experience, credentials, and if there are any customer testimonials you can refer to. The more you ask questions, the more secure you will feel about this investment.