The Easiest “Pet Plants” To Keep

The most popular domestic pets in America are undoubtedly dogs and cats.  But for people who have allergies or limited time to spend with animals, but they having nurturing and caring personalities, there are other alternatives to consider. Though you could choose to get a gecko, pet rabbit or bird that requires less time, we think there are many reasons why plants make the best pets.  If you are in the market for some new greenery to car for in your home, here are some of the greatest options out there.

What makes a good pet plant?

Many plants take a lot of work to cultivate.  They need to be pruned, given ample light, specific temperatures, and many other stipulations that make them almost as demanding a “pet” as cats or dogs.  An ideal plant to keep as a pet is one that does not need regular watering, one that is durable, without needing to follow indoor patches of sunlight throughout the day, or needing special “plant food” or regular pruning. The plant would be particularly appealing if it happened to bring extra value to the home by possessing medicinal properties, or at the very least, not being poisonous if accidentally ingested!

Best Plants To Keep As Pets

Dracaena species:   These plants are perfect for growing in homes since they are highly adaptable to most conditions. During the warmer months of the year, they thrive with daily watering, but this balanced out during the winter, when the dracaena plants can survive with little to no water for months.  A member of the agave family, the subtle leaves can be green, yellow and green mixed, or even tri-colored.

Succulents:  These plants are as unique and varied as you can imagine, and over the last few years have grown in popularity. Many people use them in wedding floral arrangements, or as center pieces to their dinner tables, or colorful, living ornaments on book shelves. Some of these plants look like thick green roses, while others are vibrant red wines, purple pointed leaves, or aqua droplets spilling over wall-hanging pots. Aloe Vera plants are a kind of cacti that are incredibly useful in the home since they require almost no upkeep, and they can last for years.   Though succulents are also dessert plants similar to cacti, they are more aesthetically pleasing and less threatening than the common spikes and prongs on cacti. If you have children in the home, a succulent is the perfect kind of plant to keep around.

Cooking herbs:  Herbs are decently low-maintenance when it comes to daily care. They do need water and sunlight, but as long as there is a window in the kitchen, watering will be an effortless task since the small pots will likely be positioned near the sink. Plus, if you are growing plants in your home, it would be nice to benefit from fresh basil, mint leaves, or crush lavender into your lemonade on a summer’s eve.

Bamboo:  Technically this plant is in the Dracaena family, and is well loved as focal point in home décor, or a soothing addition to drab office cubicles. A perennial plant, “lucky bamboo” needs hardly any water, and isn’t affected by poor ventilation or LAD lighting. Many people believe that these plants bring good fortune, and increase a sense of positivity and peace in a room.