The Process of Breeding Dogs

newborn puppy being fed by a bottle

newborn puppy being fed by a bottle

So you have decided to become a dog breeder!  It can be a daunting task for those unfamiliar with how to begin.  Review our to-do list below for some helpful insights about how to commence the breeding process.

  1. Determine what kind of dog you want to breed, whether simply house pets, or working dogs, or show dogs.
  2. Pick the stud and dam, making sure they have the right paperwork and records of bloodlines, if they are purebreds.   Consider what the dogs’ physical characteristics are like, including their appearance as well as potential health issues;  and consider their temperament, particularly when breeding more aggressive dog breeds.
  3. Be sure the dam is the right breeding age: usually around 1.5-2 years old. Have a vet check her for parasites, see that she is up to date on vaccinations and in good general health.
  4. When the dam is in heat, she can be left in the pen with the stud for 1-2 days without bringing any harm to either dog.  Then they should be separated, or returned to the stud’s owner if you arranged a stud service.
  5. Look for signs of pregnancy, and feed your dog a balanced diet, including vitamins and supplements to help nourish her during the term.
  6. The dog pregnancy will last from around 60-64 days.   Be sure to prepare a clean whelping box for the new puppies, where they can quietly rest and where the mother can nurse them.
  7. As the delivering time approaches, watch for signs of unusual behavior or discomfort. Dogs have been known to suffer from birth problems such as, breaching, still births and other physical complications.  The dam should be brought to a vet if there is any cause for concern.
  8. When the pups are born, see that they are kept still and warm.  Observe them to see that they are all able to nurse.
  9. Get the dogs’ birth registered, and send in the paperwork about the litter as soon as possible.
  10. Keep the bedding area clean as the puppies begin to grow and nurse for the first four weeks.
  11. At 4 weeks old, the puppies will have plenty of energy and will need to be kept in a larger space than the whelping box.  Between weeks 3-5, they will also need to be weaned from their mother.
  12. When the puppies are 8 weeks old,  they should be brought to the vet for their vaccinations and to acquire a clean bill of health.  Then you will be ready to part with the puppies to responsible homes.