Tips For Keeping Your House Clean With Pets

When you are a busy individual with time allotted for specific activities, it can be disheartening to spend hours scrubbing the floor or fluffing the couch, only to have your pet bring it to swift ruin.

House cleaning takes a serious turn for the worse whenever muddy paws come into play; and for those of us living in the northern hemisphere, the rainy season is right around the corner! That means it is time to prepare for a whole new slew of pet-made messes around the house. Though most of our esteemed readers will be seasoned pet owners that are ready for anything, here is a quick check-list to make sure you are armed and ready to keep your house clean at all costs this winter.

Keeping Your House Clean

  • Start with the culprit. Not every mess in your home is your dog or cat’s fault; some of the mistakes that occur are actually within your power to avoid. Is it 100% your dog’s fault that his hair is everywhere? It is partially your responsibility to keep up on grooming to maintain hygiene and tidiness in your abode.
    • Wash your pet. An old fashioned scrub-a-dub-dub will remove dirt and dust particles from your cat or dog’s fur.
    • Brush their fur outdoors. Regularly brushing significantly helps reduce shedding indoors.
    • Clip their claws. There could be fewer scratch marks around your home if your pup’s nails were neatly trimmed or your cat’s claws were buffed or plastic-capped.
  • Take hair seriously. You love your dog and may not mind strands of curly pup hair littered around the house; but your guests will not appreciate it. If your vacuum, broom and lint roller aren’t doing the trick, use others methods for getting rid of excess pet hair.
  • Used towel mats: before you and your pet return from an outing, lay down a big towel on the floor by the door. That way your dog or cat’s paws will have a place to stand without muddying the carpet. When this towel is patted with dirty paw prints, it is much easier to wash than an actual dog mat.
  • Foot bath method: Fill a shallow container or basin with an inch or two of warm water and leave this with a rag beside the towel mat when you leave. When you and your pup return home from a long romp in the woods, on busy city street, he can easily step into a pre-made bath. This will enable you to loosen any dust, dirty or grime stuck to the paws, so that mud won’t end up later on your couch. This method is very useful in wet regions like swampland, farmland, ranches, or other places where mud, grass, or gravel could stick between puppy toes.
  • Pet Booties: While this idea might seem excessive to some, it could save time doubling up on repeating house chores. (Who wants to mop the floor twice due to paw prints that could have been avoided?) In wet climates, throwing some rain boots on your pooch before he heads outside for the evening walk will help clean up be simple when you return home. Simply take off the booties and leave them in the garage or utility room, while your squeaky-clean- pup trots inside. (Note: in colder areas where there are months of snow, sleet and ice, weather-resistant pet-boots will not only keep your house tidy, but will protect your animals from paw numbness, cuts and discomfort too!)
  • Set the table: Simply positioning a placemat under a dog or cat’s food bowl will make cleaning attainable with just one quick rinse. It will also help your kitchen appear coordinated and charming, rather than a sloppy mess of kibbles and water puddles.
  • Be stain-ready: Keeping the right stain-removing products, and enzymatic cleaners will help you snap into action the moment that disaster strikes. Save yourself the headache, and make sure your hall closet has all the necessary cleaning products you and your pet may need.
  • Choose Paw-Resistant Furniture: Mot people have purchased their furniture before their pets, but if you have an opportunity to replace a certain piece, try to choose something that will likely stay in better shape around your dog or cat. Microfiber and microsuede cloth is the best option is you are getting a couch or chair reupholstered, and semi-aniline leathers are good at concealing scratch marks for those that live with cats.
    (To be on the extra-safe side, consider getting your cat her own cat furniture to shred at will, so that your nice upholstery will be less tempting. Choose a dog bed made out of thick-tear proof material, so you will be less likely to find it ripped open with tufts of cotton strewn across the floor.)