Top 5 Dangerous Foods for Pets on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time of food, family, and fun (and also of giving thanks, apparently), but it is important to make sure that our furry friends are safe, and don’t end up eating table scraps that could harm their health. Here, we have compiled a list of the most dangerous Thanksgiving foods for dogs.

Turkey Skin

Turkey is known for having lean meat, but turkey skin is very high in fat content. High fat-content foods, especially something like turkey skin that has likely been marinated with oils and spices, can be very difficult for dogs to digest. So skip the skin, and be a little more generous with your scraps.

Cooked Bones

Like chicken bones, cooked turkey bones can splinter and cause great damage to a dog’s digestive tract. Make sure your pooch doesn’t have access to table scraps that include turkey bones.


Certain nuts, especially macadamia and walnuts, can be highly toxic to dogs. To avoid a painful day or two of vomiting, fever, and tremors for your dog, keep the nuts away from them.

Onion and Garlic

Both onions and garlic (onions more so) are toxic to dogs. They contain sulfides which can lead to anemia. It is also important to note that cooked onions and garlic are no less toxic than the raw variety.


Nutmeg, which is usually used as a seasoning on sweet potatoes and pies, can cause seizures, and in some extreme cases has been known to result in fatalities. A bit of sweet potato and pumpkin can be good for your dog, but make sure they are not spiced with nutmeg.