Summertime Bucket List for Pet Owners

woman diving with dog

The weather may still be cool and crispy, depending on where you live, but summertime is just around the corner. While some people might be planning their upcoming vacations abroad, others are brainstorming about fun short-term holidays, or daily outings and small road trips to take with their friends.  But how many people make a puppy-and-me bucket list?  Grab a pen and paper and start thinking of some fun things you and your canine pal and do together this summer.

Top 10 Must-Dos to Add to the Bucket List

Try a new haircut! Maybe you’ve already planned to add some sunshiny highlights to your hair, or to finally shave off the remnants of your winter beard. This time, add your dog’s coat to the agenda too. In the warm summer months, your pup could do with an extra shave, so think of something funky he could sport, like the “lion cut” or some brightly dyed poofs of hair. Next time you go in for a haircut, take your dog to have his own fun at the groomer’s this season.

Watch an epic sunset. We are not talking about looking from the porch of your house, or walking to the park down the road.  Plan an entire evening, by hopping into your car and getting out to a beach sunset, or the highest vista you can drive to.  Set up a blanket, bring some snacks for you and doggy treats for your pup, and watch the sun sink below the horizon together. 

Learn a new trick.  The daylight hours are much longer in the summer, affording you some extra time to bond with your furry best friend.  If there is a trick you are trying to teach him, now is the best time to do it!  You might want your pup to learn how to fetch you a cold beer from the fridge, or how to sing along with you while you strum a guitar at the beach.

Have a water fight with your dog.  If you don’t have a pool to dive in, playing with hoses and water guns is the next best way to cool off!  Get a super-soaker gun, and spray down your dog at the park, or bring a dog-owning friend, and have some two-on-two water fight battles! Soon everyone will be doused and happily cooled off together. (Note: While filling water balloons is a blast, be aware that these are hazardous for dogs. Water guns, buckets and hoses are safer options!)

Plan a pet-centered picnic.  If you have a friend or two with a well-mannered dog, plan an early afternoon picnic at the park. Load up your baskets with water bottles, people food, and puppy delights for you and the canines to feast on. Imagine the game of Frisbee you could have with 2 or 3 adults and their dogs!

Get a new toy!  Yes, we know being an adult is serious business, which is why blowing off steam with a fun new gadget or toy is good therapy for the mind.  Treat yourself to that smart watch, or the GoPro camera you’ve been eying, and while you’re at it grab a new feature for your dog too!  Whether it’s a lifetime-warranty chew toy, or a vibrating bouncy ball to chase around, summer is a great time to clean out your closet, throwing out the old and finding something new to invest in.

Build a sand fort. Dogs are enthusiastic and efficient diggers.  When you and your friends or family go to the beach, bring your dog along and set to building a deep sand-fort.  The kids will love watching your pup pawing away big piles of sand, and then getting to hide in the sand cave.  Then you can team up and have a sand castle-building competition with the leftover sand. Bringing dogs to the beach is a great way to enjoy the sunshine, and playtime for the whole family.

Take a camping trip.  Many campsites will allow canine guests as long as they are on a leash at all times. One of the most idyllic summertime settings is a tent, a campfire, and a stunning view of a lake or the mountains.  Some people feel uneasy about staying in the woods, and sleeping out in the wild, so bringing the dog is a great solution.  Not only will dogs let you know if there is any danger, they will also keep other animals at bay, and will help you rest easy long after the campfire has died down.

Skip the walks, and go for a swim! On sweltering summer days, it’s hard to be motivated to go for a walk with your dog. See if there is an aquatic center near you that allows dogs to get their exercise in a pool!  If not, try to head to the nearest river, lake, or beach so you and your pup and splash in the water for an exercise alternative.

Watch a classic dog film. Whether you are in the mood for a cartoon, or a classic live-action film, it can be fun to host a movie night for you, your pet-owning pals and their pups. Choose a crowd-pleasing dog movie, and have everyone set up their chairs and blankets in your backyard or living room. These kinds of community gatherings become the reason why people miss summer when the seasons change!