Why Do Cats Like Fitting in Small Spaces?

Let’s face it, the idea of squishing into a tiny cardboard box, or napping in a round glass bowl hardly sounds like an ideal place to snooze!  Concepts that typically cause humans to break out in a cold sweat seem to be appealing to these crazy creatures. Find out why claustrophobia doesn’t seem to be a fear factor for felines!

Cats are much more flexible and agile than humans, and are able to twist, stretch, contort and collapse into the strangest of positions. It is because of this unique skill that felines are able to shift their positions mid-air and land on their feet. Cat owners have been amused for centuries by the shapes and positions they find their felines in.

They like to hide in bowls

In boxes

In bags

In outdoor hideaways

Basically anywhere they can!

Possible Reasons for the Small-space-snuggling

To retain body heat:  Though cats are equipped with fur coats, their body temperatures tend to drop while they are napping. Cuddling down into a small cardboard box allows the heat to stay trapped and close to the cat’s body so she can siesta without the discomfort of a chilly breeze.

For comfort:  Curling up in a ball and being surrounded by all sides, might feel the same to a cat as being held in her owner’s arms! When human laps and arms are unavailable, being cradled by firm surroundings might offer a satisfying alternative to the comfort of being held!

Privacy:  Felines like having quiet places where they can escape surveillance and rest quietly or play with their toys uninterrupted.  While the privacy aspect may not be the reason your Persian likes to be stuffed into a clear fish bowl, it might be the very appeal that drew your Abyssinian to the bottom of that narrow hamper in the laundry room.

For sensory safety:  Cat whiskers are located on their faces, parts of their head, and on their paws; because of this, felines are constantly on the alert (have you ever noticed a cat’s ears rotating or twitching even while they sleep?).  By being surrounded on all sides, the cat feels a protective barrier around him, working as guard from any approaching threat.

The reality is, cats have been known to survive being trapped for weeks before discovery, and seem to take great comfort in fitting into tight nooks, small holes and narrow crannies. Though we may never be able to empathize with this inclination, it is certainly adorable to witness!