Why Do Cats Meow at Night?

Cats In Night Town

We’ve all heard the lonely meow of a cat calling out at night. It may not be the most pleasant noise, and can certainly be quite alarming to wake up to. Felines tend to be nocturnal creatures that are energetic and ready for adventure and exploration in the middle of the night. Though it is part of their nature to be talkative and ready for fun long after you’ve gone to sleep, here are some of the possible reasons why cats meow loudly at after dark.

Reasons why cats yowl at night

  • Pain or Health Problems: The first thing to do is make sure nothing is physically ailing your cat. They often communicate with us through mournful meowing and wailing to tell us that something is terribly wrong, or that they are in a lot of pain. If the yowling at night continues through the day, then first take them to a vet and make sure they are in good health.
  • Loneliness: Though cats are very independent creatures, they become very attached to their owners, and can get lonely without them. This is particularly true if your cat has the whole house to himself, and is feeling separation anxiety.
  • Boredom: If your cat is wandering around meowing at the top of his lungs, he may just want you to come play with him or pet him. When everything is still and quiet inside, the cat might have trouble keeping himself occupied and might meow repeatedly simply out of boredom.
  • Disorientation: Older cats can suffer from weak eyesight, which can make them feel disoriented at night when the light is low. They may also suffer from confusion, or may be developing Alzheimer’s Disease, since frequent meowing at night is one of the first symptoms of this illness.
  • In Heat: When cat is in heat, she might yowl or meow loudly at night as a response to the male cats that are prowling around outside. Female cats and male cats will noisily communicate with each other in mating season, no matter what hour it is.

If your cat wails miserably in the night becomes a common ritual in your home, causing you to get out of bed and attend him,  you may need to draw some boundaries. Check to make sure that the cat has food and water, can access his litter box and bed, and then leave him be. If you are sure that the meowing is not due to any physical problem, then be careful not to encourage the whining and pleading calls.  The more you humor this, the more persistent your kitty will become in future nights.  So put in a good pair of earplugs and get back to sawing logs!