Why Do Dogs Snore?

Many pet parents claim to have uproariously noisy dogs that like to bark all day and snore all night. Some dog breeds can shake the curtains and lamps with their thunderous snoring, or rob the whole family of sleep with the sound of them sawing logs. Not every dog does it, but the ones who do, really don’t hold back! Fortunately, your pup is not trying to drive you up the wall, and probably isn’t aware that he is causing such a ruckus. Instead of being frustrated, be informed by reviewing some of the reasons why certain dogs snore more than others.

Causes of snoring

  • Breed types: Because of the facial construction of certain dogs, some breeds are more likely to develop bad snoring habits than others. Brachycephalic breeds, those with wide skulls and small, short muzzles typically tend to snore. If you can’t stand the sound, the dogs to look out for are: Bulldog breeds (English, American, and French), Pugs, Shish Tzus, Toy Spaniels, Boston Terriers, Chow Chows, and Pekingese, etc.
  • Obesity: An alarming percentage of domestic pets in America are obscenely obese.  Pets with significant body fat around the throat or with a loss of muscle tone in the neck (both of which frequently occur in obese pets) are more likely to snore. Help monitor your dog’s weight to avoid further disease and sleep deprivation from snoring.
  • Physical constraints:   There are also physical aspects that cause snoring, such as stenotic nares, or collapsed nostrils that limit the air passage space. Some dogs have jaw tension, clenching their jaws while the rest; other dogs have obstructed nasal passages, or extra tissue in the throat that makes breathing laborious and noisy. Such physical difficulties can usually be corrected with a minor surgery to enlarge the nasal cavity.
  • Allergens: Houses are filled with nooks and crannies where particles can collect, and surfaces like couches, carpets and drapes which house a host of pet hair, mildew, dust, or mold.   These allergens can cause dogs to have runny and itchy noses that lead to snoring. Even strong scented cleaners, fragrances, incense or perfume can irritate the nasal cavity and should be limited or used with air flow. The same agitations can be triggered with outdoor allergens such as pines, pollen and grasses. These also give a puppy sneezes and sniffles which make them more inclined to snore.
  • Smoke/tobacco: One possible cause for the snoring might be that your air is simply suffering proper ventilation. If you or someone in your home is a smoker, the second-hand smoke might be severely agitating your pup’s breathing. Try smoking only outdoors, and keeping fans on and windows open while inside.
  • Illness: Dogs can sometimes catch airborne disease from unfamiliar animals, which then make breathing a challenge. Canine colds or kennel cough can be passed around by dogs that stay at pet hotels, groomers, or even pet play pens. Be wary whenever your dog is socializing with any other animals, and increase his vitamins and supplements to help support a good immune system.

When in doubt, you can always add a humidifier to the room your pet sleeps in; as it could help clear some of the stuffiness making him snore!